Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Salt Issues: Difference between kosher salt and ... - Diet and Fitness

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Salt Issues: Difference between kosher salt and other salt?

With hypertension being a regular complain among the masses, ?choose salt substitutes? has been promulgated aggressively. Try coarser-grained sea salt instead of ordinary table salt. Because of the coarse characteristic, this type of salt takes up more volume for same amount of weight.

The regular salt we use is treated, refined iodized and additives are added to it. Kosher salt has larger grains are not iodized with any additives either.

Coarse grained sea salt does not dissolve as quickly as table salt, making it useful for giving a salty ?feel? to the exterior of foods without using as much salt. In fact, this property is actually used to draw the blood out of meat.

As for sodium content, if you substitute sea salt one-for-one for table salt, you will slightly decrease your sodium intake because of sea salt?s greater volume: One teaspoon contains 1,920 milligrams of sodium, compared to 2,325 milligrams in table salt. By weight, however, both sea salt and table salt contain about 400 milligrams of sodium per gram.

As far as nutrition is concerned, there is no major difference. Too much of either salt can cause problems in the body, such as high blood pressure.



*Image courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

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Source: http://healthmeup.com/news-diet-fitness/salt-issues-difference-between-kosher-salt-and-other-salt/21241

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